Saturday, April 4, 2009

Building the Machine

I’ve taken counsel from various quarters since my intention to seek elected office has filtered out to the masses. I’m encouraged by the early support I’m receiving as I gauge the viability of an independent campaign. There are still plenty of naysayers too but their input is just as valuable to me.

There are a few paths to choose from as I proceed. Some would make the challenge of getting elected easier. The appeal of such an approach is countered by my desire to remain true to the ideals that have brought me to the brink of this endeavor. Otherwise, I fear I become “just another politician” which I certainly am not. I won’t compromise my integrity to make matters easier for me, already evidenced by the rejection of me by the Republican committee. Nonetheless, there may be an option that allows me to walk a fine line. Easier and harder at the same time. I’m aiming for simpler. People understand simple. I know I do.

I can count the people I truly trust on one hand…and still have fingers left over. When I need guidance, their advice is critical. They keep me and my ego in check. I’ve been burned by people with agendas before because I was naïve and misplaced my trust in them. I strive to not repeat my mistakes. I am already wary of some circling my effort.

It’s still early in the process but I’ve begun building the machine. Since machines in politics are typically viewed negatively, I like to think of mine as the anti-machine. It’s a machine bent on serving the residents interests first and foremost. It’s a machine powered by integrity. It’s a machine where no one speaks for me, except me. The intent is to create a new paradigm. One supported by the principles of Accountability, Responsibility, and Transparency or what I like to refer to as the ART of government. It’s really pretty simple.


d.eris said...

"I can count the people I truly trust on one hand…and still have fingers left over." I can count the Democrat and Republican politicians I trust on one hand, and have five fingers left over! The ART of government is a powerful formula. Run with it.

Michael said...

I appreciate your encouragement. I've been checking out your blog recently and added a link to it on my sidebar today.