Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Accountability. It's this concept which is probably the single most important when it comes to assessing achievement. Sure, no one likes it when they fail at achieving the desired goal. But how many actually admit the misstep and do something to rectify it? Everyone makes mistakes but only a select few truly overcome them. They're the ones that put aside excuses, take responsibility for the error, and then fix it. Find that in a politician and you've got the right man on the job.

This relates directly to what's bugging me particularly today. The woods across the street from me were cut down yesterday and a makeshift road to gain access to deeper woods has been crafted. Big deal? Only if the activity in question is questionable. The Planning Commission already ruled more than once that such activity would be strictly regulated by them when they denied these planned actions nearly a year ago. To my knowledge, that hasn't changed. And yet the trees are rapidly disappearing. I'm no tree-hugger, just a student of the law. This land has previously been subject to a Positive Declaration under SEQRA. I'm curious who'll be accountable.