Thursday, January 3, 2008


Everyone likes to root for the underdog. Except in politics. In that arena, underdogs are a passing curiosity. In politics, the prevailing maxim seems to be everybody loves a winner. Climb aboard the bandwagon…in politics, it’s all about winning…whatever the cost. My integrity won’t let me on the wagon. That’s okay…I don’t mind walking.

It’s a gray world, and for a very long time, I saw things only in black or white. I’m beginning to see things in shades of gray instead. Compromise is colored gray. Lasting solutions are crafted in gray. (My hair is turning gray.) Though some things I will always see in black or white, I’m willing to accept that I’m not necessarily right. I’ll explore the gray.

I suppose I’m fundamentally conservative but reluctantly tolerant. Empires crumble on tolerance. They crumble faster on arrogance. Compassionate wisdom? That sounds interesting but I’m not sure exactly what it means.

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