Monday, May 26, 2008

The Art of Weeding

Have you ever read the book, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance? Well, I don’t own a motorcycle and I’m not too handy for that matter. If you haven’t read the book, I’d recommend it but for now you’ll have to settle for my version which I’m dubbing, iPod and the Art of Weeding.

I’ve been traveling a lot unexpectedly and so have fallen behind on some seasonal chores. I decided to turn up the volume and pull weeds. Surprisingly, I discovered my Grandmother’s advice was still as sound as ever.

So how does this relate to solving any of Rotterdam’s problems? It doesn’t. Not one iota. I know some of you were secretly hoping for some sort of weed analogy but today’s posts are strictly personal therapy. Alright…one analogy…if the Town systematically addressed one problem at a time they’d eventually be staring at a weed-free landscape. I know someone is thinking why not just spray the weeds with weed killer all at once and be done with it? Because then you wind up with a dead lawn that still needs you to pull up the weeds by hand anyway. Okay, so I don’t have a green thumb…

Thanks for letting me indulge myself. I’ll be back to Rotterdam business and other topics of interest soon for sure.

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