Friday, June 19, 2009


I’m often accused of being too idealistic. I’m okay with that. I haven’t encountered anyone yet that disagrees that achieving some of the things I suggest isn’t worthwhile. They just don’t believe these things can be achieved anymore.

Let’s be clear. I don’t operate with my head in the sand. I’m crystal clear on the realities of certain situations. Does that mean that the “idealistic” goals are unachievable? I don’t believe so. Usually anything worth accomplishing has some obstacles in the way of achieving it. Most of us take our freedoms in this country for granted, for example. But the reality is we gained them through extreme sacrifices and exceptional effort and desire. To realize anything that seems insurmountable, it requires the same type of fortitude, determination, and sacrifice. I know…fancy talk again, right? The fact is if you don’t first believe, then you’ve already begun to lose the battle for whatever you’re fighting for. I’m a believer.

1 comment:

Brad Littlefield said...

I, too, have been told that I am too idealistic and independent-minded. I reply that I would rather set the bar very high and fall a little short of my goal than setting the bar low and accomplishing something of little worth.
I also agree that in my first run for political office that I would rather lose with integrity than win without it. However, like you, I am in this for the long run with every intention of winning the race.