Friday, March 14, 2008


Reading one of the local forums has me a bit depressed. It seems when things quiet down, the tenor of comments turns nastier. I never understood the appeal of continual complaining or repeated bashing simply to complain or bash. It gets old fast and for the most part, is unnecessary if not redundant.

I’m not especially forum savvy and I no doubt expect intelligent discussion with a purpose in the wrong venue, I suppose. Maybe I’m just in a foul mood but if I wasn’t I now know where to go to get in one.

I do my fair share of complaining too but I then try to move past it to find a solution. It’s just plain unproductive otherwise. My best bet would probably be to realize that some people like to complain. And then they complain some more. And that’s all they’re ever going to do until they draw their last breath. I should learn to avoid those people.

I’m reminded of some advice given to me by Mr. Tom Kirk, Jr. “Look in the mirror each day and ask, have I been the best father, the best husband, the best son, etc. that I could be today?” That may sound like dorky advice unless you know who Tom Kirk, Jr. is and what he lived through. I’ll let you dig around on your own to find out but he’ll likely come up again in later posts. In the meantime, look in the mirror and ask the question of yourself. The answer may help you to stop complaining.

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