Tuesday, November 13, 2007

A New Voice

"A Nice Place To Live." That's the motto of the Town of Rotterdam in New York. I live there. For the most part, the motto is true. For the other part, when you strain to fathom how the motto is even remotely true...well, that's what this blog will attempt to address.

There are a lot of important issues facing our Town. These are generally difficult times, however, as the Town tries to cope with the inadequacies of the recent reassessment, economic growth challenges, and divisive politics. Sounds much like what many other towns are faced with and we're not unique. What could be unique is how we choose to address these and other challenges.

I don't pretend to have all the answers. God knows, they aren't easy to come by. What I do offer are views and suggestions. I'll criticize plenty along the way but I hope to be constructive and offer alternative solutions too.

I know the question you're already asking. If I think I know so much better than our elected officials why don't I run for office? Valid question. I've been involved as a concerned citizen on various issues but that's certainly a different role. I've vaguely considered a run but I just didn't think I was the best candidate to accomplish what needed to be done. I'm pretty sure now I made a mistake by not running. I haven't been able to affect the necessary changes as an outsider even if I've been successful in helping bring issues into the light. But am I electable? I'll leave that for a later blog unto itself.

So off we go...